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- Dual Module Player Companion
- Version 1.72
- (C) 1993 Psychic Psoftware
- This program is CARDWARE/SMILEWARE, that is, you may distribute it freely as
- long as you don't charge any fee for it and if you want to continue using it,
- please send me a postcard of your hometown (or a letter with a picture of your
- hometown included). If you have any comments (gripes?) about this product,
- email me at cslm@alpha.ru.ac.za (I may even fix some things!).
- DMPC was written as a front end for the Dual Module Player ((C) 1992, 1993 Otto
- Chrons). DMPC was originally coded just before I had to write an examination,
- so don't expect miracles (not big ones anyway). It was designed to be small and
- fast rather than big and flashy, and with with the logo & swapper it's now
- small, fast and flashy! Hopefully this will make using the command-line driven
- DMP (An excellent product!) easier to use.
- Legal stuff: If this program does anything that is antisocial to your computer,
- hey, shit happens.... and I'm not responsible.
- Features: - Supports: MOD, STM, AMF, S3M, 669, NST, VOC, WAV and SND.
- - Reads the directory much faster than ModPlay v2.19b ((C) Mark Cox).
- - Reads up to 1000 music files in any directory.
- - Reads/plays music files from inside ARJ, LHA/LZH and ZIP archives.
- - Mouse support.
- - Play a list of files sequentially or in random order.
- - You can use DMP or PMP (and almost any other player... but who would
- want to use anything but the best?)
- - Selection window accomodates 43/50 line mode.
- - Switch between 25 and 43/50 line modes.
- - Load/Save tagged selection.
- - Change drive/directory.
- - Fast file find with partial matching.
- - Help page.
- - Extract to temp directory.
- - Recognises Amiga style MOD.NAME format.
- - Delete files.
- - Multiple config definitions.
- - Shell to DOS.
- - Format inclusion masking.
- Keys: Up and down scroll through the list of music files.
- ENTER will play the file you are currently on OR changes the directory
- if you selected a directory.
- SPACE will tag/untag a file.
- T tags all.
- U untags all.
- D delete current file.
- P plays all tagged files in order or if there are no tagged files, it
- will act like ENTER.
- R does the same as P except that it specifies random selection.
- S Save current tagged selection to file.
- L Load a tag selection from file (clears previous tagged selection).
- . Re-read current directory.
- V Switch line mode (if possible).
- C Change drive.
- F Find a music file by name.
- H Display help page.
- 1..0 Select config 1-10
- F10 Shell to DOS
- To move faster up and down the list you can use PG UP/PG DN or HOME/END.
- P and R specify -l so that the mods don't loop. When your tagged
- selection includes archived files, DMPC will de-archive and play them
- one at a time (for disk space reasons) randomly or sequentially. If DMPC
- is controlling the selection play then pressing N in DMP will not take
- you to the next file in the selection (for obvious reasons) but if you
- press ESC it will play the next file. Press ESC twice in fast succession
- if you want to quit a DMPC controlled selection (and I mean fast!).
- Pressing V will try to switch your screen from 25 to 43/50 line mode (if
- you are in 25 line mode) or from 43/50 to 25 line mode (if you are in
- 43/50 line mode).
- If you have a mouse, moving the mouse up and down will do the same as the
- up and down arrow keys. The left button emulates P and the right button
- emulates SPACE.
- DMPC has a config file (DMPC.CFG) for the command-line switches that you would
- use when loading DMP. The format of the config has changed (for the better)
- from that of the previous versions of DMPC. It now can have multiple devices
- and players. All blank lines & lines beginning with a ; will be ignored (if you
- put a . on the options line, it will leave the options blank). The first line
- is for defining your TEMP directory. After that the config follows a simple
- Device name can be up to 30 characters long, options and player definitions can
- be up to 40 characters long. The file inclusion mask is a list of characters
- that represent the different formats that a player can play.
- M = MOD S = STM N = NST 6 = 669 V = VOC
- W = WAV 3 = S3M D = SND F = AMF
- Example config file (between the <--- ---> lines):
- ;TEMP directory
- ;SoundBlaster configuration
- SoundBlaster
- -p220 -i5 -d1 -q -8 -l -c1
- ;MOD, STM, NST, 669, S3M, AMF
- MSN63F
- ;Setup for a MONO DAC on port 3BC
- Mono DAC
- -p3BC -c6 -q -8 -l
- MSN63F
- ;Modplay setup
- Modplay 2.19b
- .
- ;MOD only
- M
- <--- END OF CONFIG FILE --->
- DMPC will search the path for ARJ.EXE, LHA.EXE, PKUNZIP.EXE (or UNZIP.EXE),
- DMP.EXE and DMPC.CFG, if it can't find DMPC.CFG in the path, current directory
- or the directory where DMPC.EXE was executed from it will take -p42 -c6
- (PC SPEAKER!! <--- Yech!) and DMP as default. If ARJ.EXE cannot be found (using
- the same search technique as for DMPC.CFG), DMPC will not search ARJ files for
- music files (similarly for LHA and ZIP). When a file occurs decompressed and in
- archives, only the decompressed file is shown in the list of available music.
- Limitations: If you don't have EMS or XMS (preferably EMS) on your machine
- (something I would find hard to believe on a 386!), DMPC will crawl
- when you try to play anything 'cause it will be swapping to disk.
- DMPC will not work on Hercules displays.
- Now stop reading this dumb DOC and go and play some music! *8)
- Revision history:
- 1.72 : File inclusion mask for different players 'cause some players can't
- play S3M etc. Added WAV/SND/VOC support (no validation is done on
- the files though).
- 1.71 : Made DEVICE NAME longer. Fixed two non-critical bugs with config.
- 1.70 : NST supported (finally). Full path searching. Extracts to temp
- directory. Fixed change drive & screen clearing bugs. Archive
- searching speeded up (again!). Amiga type mod name MOD.NAME format
- recognised. Improved find to do partial matching inside names if no
- partial match was found on start of name. Can now delete files from
- inside archives. Read 1000 files in any directory. Multiple config
- definitions. F10 to swap to DOS.
- 1.60 : Added ZIP support. DMPC logo by Sand. Optimized archive searching
- routines. Re-read current directory. Switch to/from 43/50 line
- mode. Change drive. Fast find routine. Help page.
- 1.51 : Fixed a nasty bug that deleted non-archived files once played.
- 1.50 : ARJ/LHA support added. EMS/XMS/Disk swapper added. Directory
- changing (for all the people who love their subdirectories) has been
- added. STM files are now read in (but I only was able to test it on
- converted MOD files). Use DMP or PMP according to your needs.
- 43/50 line mode is used when detected. Load/Save tag selections.
- Fixed some small bugs (some of which were bigger once I opened the
- hood to have a look at what was causing the problem).
- 1.40 : Mouse support!
- 1.30 : Support for 669, AMF and S3M added, sequential tagging, delete
- function.
- 1.20 : Fixed a few bugs in previous releases.
- 1.10 : Added HOME/END, PAGE UP/DOWN, elementary tagging, multiple play with
- or without random selection.
- 1.00 : Original release.
- Thanks to:
- Otto Chrons for writing DMP/PMP (ask him about DSMI).
- Robert Jung for the tech info about ARJ files in UNARJ230.EXE
- Thomas Wagner for his PD swapout routine.
- Thayne Breetzke for his advice and positive criticism.
- Bryan Kilian for helping me get DMPC from just an idea into such a popular
- program.
- Rory Freeman for various helpful routines.
- Sand (K. Sunley) for designing a really cool ANSI screen for DMPC.
- Mark Adler (found it again!) for sending me the ZIP header format.
- Toni Nikkanen for becoming a registered DMPC user... *8)
- All the people who have responded so positively (and negatively?) to DMPC!
- Todo:
- Sample preview functions?
- ZOO/SQZ/WAU support? (Email me if you would like these supported)
- Make this DOC more readable. (Anyone going to volunteer?)
- If you can think of anything else you want to see in future releases, just
- pop me some email at the address mentioned above.